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Jeanne's Jewels

A Treasure Trove of Inspiration!

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Numerology for December 30th

This is a day when you may find yourself spinning if you don't take the time to get centered.

Numerology for December 30th

This is a day when you may find yourself spinning if you don't take the time to get centered.

Numerology for December 30th

This is a day when you may find yourself spinning if you don't take the time to get centered.

Numerology for December 29th

This is a master number day. Have you been speaking your truth or holding something in?

Numerology for December 28th

There may be some unusual events today. You may be feeling rather scattered.

Numerology for December 26th

There is information to be gathered today. Relationships are key.

Numerology for December 25th

This is a quiet pause for the cause today.

Numerology for December 23rd

This is a day where you may be feeling as if you have to "set matters right"

Numerology for December 22nd

Things are beginning to come full circle now. You may feel as if you are the edge of something very new.

Numerology for December 21st

Happy Solstice Everyone!

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